Page 91 Chapter 9
“The student records, memorizes, and repeats these phrases without perceiving what four times four really means, or realizing the true significance of “capital” in the affirmation “the capital of Para is Belem,” that is, what Belem means for Para and what Para means for Brazil.”
The next paragraph begins to talking about teachers “filling” the students as they are “containers” and the more filled, the better the teacher is. Yet, are our students in this nation really learning? It seems to be all memorization, even some classes in college. I will admit that in some of my math classes not too long ago I’ve thought something along the lines of “I don’t care how it works, just show me how to do it.” Maybe that’s because that’s how I’ve gone through education my whole life; just show me what I need to know how to do, not why we do it. Students need to really learn and teachers need to really teach. But, how can we push ourselves out of this trend that seems to be most teachers are following?
Page 92 Chapter 9
“Education must begin with the solution of the teacher-student contradiction, by reconciling the poles of the contradiction so that both are simultaneously teachers and students.”
It would be a lie to say that I’ve never learned anything from my students and they’ve only learned from me. Truth be told, I learned a lot more from my students than I ever thought I could. The way my elementary schools students think is far different from the way I think in any given situation. They aren’t afraid to speak their mind and to give creative feedback and even be creative when asked a simple question. Teachers can learn so much from their students and it’s sad to think that there are teachers out there that believe they know everything so their students cannot teach them anything. Everyone is learning something every day, no matter how old they are.
Page 98 Chapter 9
“The banking concept (with its tendency to dichotomize everything) distinguishes two stages in the action of the educator. During the first he cognizes a cognizable object while he prepares his lessons in his study or his laboratory; during the second, he expounds to his students about that object. The students are not called upon to know, but to memorize the contents narrated by the teacher.”
That sounds like the majority of everyone’s schooling experience. The teacher learns about an object, and then basically tells the students to memorize what he’s learned. Why can’t the students learn along with the teacher? Why can’t the teacher teach in such a way where the students can actually learn instead of memorize? Learning is so much more fun compared to memorize. Sure, memorizing seems easier for both the teacher and the students, but after the student is tested on what they memorized, it goes right out the window. When a great teacher teaches, his/her students should be able to recall said information learned days, months, maybe even years after the testing process.
Page 113 Chapter 11
“A common form of data—students’ standardized test scores, now all the rage—provide little guidance for teachers, and are among the most useless (and harmful) pieces of data, in terms of helping teachers and future teachers, to say nothing of useless in helping students actually be successful.”
These tests shouldn’t be nearly as intense as they are and shouldn’t be deeming schools failing or passing. They should be doing the one thing they’re not doing: be helping the teachers. Testing should be helpful for teachers, not against them. It should be used to show teachers how their students are performing in certain areas; what their strong points are and what their weak points are. This way, the teachers can focus more with certain students on things they need to know. Teachers have their own tests for this, yes, but why can’t these tests just be what they were originally for? Clearly, these tests are doing nothing and research evens shows that they aren’t helping things, so why do we still have them as they are?
Page 113 Chapter 11
“Along with the New York State and City teacher licensing boards, Al Shanker and the teachers’ union defined good teaching in terms of qualifications, years teaching, seniority, number of advanced degrees, and so on. But my firsthand observation of some great teachers contradicted that—I saw no connection between these paper qualifications and how excellent teacher actually were in the classroom.”
To be a good teacher seems to mean whatever a piece of paper says; if you follow steps one through ten then you’re a good teacher! It’s like a recipe, how to make a good teacher. Well, then what’s a GREAT teacher? A great teacher must be someone who actually makes his/her students learn, is creative and out-of-the-box, and teaches his/her students to be the same way, whoever they want to be. A great teacher must use what she’s learned about being a teacher as a guide or like an introduction to her teacher methods. If a good teacher is what’s above, then what’s a great teacher?
Page 117 Chapter 11
“Every classroom should have not merely a qualified teacher, but a great teacher.”
It needs to be more about quality than quantity. Teachers need to be knowledgeable in both knowledge that they are to teach their students and how to be a teacher. Teachers need to not only have their students memorize information, but understand it and practice using it. They should be able to do all of these things, yet, is it that easy with all of these tests in place? It should be easier for the students to take tests if you think about it like that. If the students actually know information verses memorize information, they should think the tests are easy as pie. Also, they will still have this information years down the road to be able to use in their future instead of just simply learning it for the test. Would you rather be in a class to learn about things you will actually know or to memorize things for a test and just to forget them?